
Monday, January 21, 2013

Praising His Wonderful Name

A man's career is important to him.  God wired men to desire to be the provider and protector to his family.  A career is one of the important ways they do this.  

There can be two extremes to this.  To read more, head over to Woman to Woman Ministries for the Power of a Praying Wife series!

Continuing to count my blessings:

881. Celebrating my youngest son's 10th birthday.  We are completely out of the single digits now.  Where did the time go!?

882. A fun swimming party with family and friends to celebrate his 10 years.

883. The faith and prayers of believers for many prayer requests.

884. The reminder that God will never leave us nor forsake us.

885. Watching the video of a young man, he used to attend our children's ministry, win the spelling bee that will now send him to the county spelling bee.  He is autistic, but that does not define him.  He is an incredible young man.

886. Seeing my baby sister so happy.

887. Having her help in our children's ministry each week.

888. My husband's help with cleaning when I know he would much rather be sitting down relaxing.

889. Faith that God will supply my needs.

890. Knowing God is in control of all things.

What are you praising God for today?  Comment below with five things you can thank Him for.

Linking with:
A Holy Experience


  1. I'm so happy I found your blog!

    Today I'm thankful for:
    1. My Abba Father...He's my joy & provision each day!

    2. My loving hubby of almost 26 years & his recent award at work!

    3. My FIVE wonderful kiddos & the privelege of homeschooling.

    4. That my kids have the opportunity to attend a wonderful university like Liberty University...for the amazing professors they've had & the friendships they've made that I pray will last a lifetime!

    5. Music! I love music of kinds.....I'm listening to 'In Christ Alone' by Newsboys right now.

    6. Gotta add one more......I'm VERY thankful right now that supper is in the crock pot & all I need to do is throw a salad togehter. Oh the little joys! ;-)

    Have a Blessed Day!!

  2. I am praising God for a warm home today and a car that started in the -35 Celsius temps this morning when I took my friend to the airport. I am sitting on my couch with a blanket over my legs and the electric fireplace is going. God is good!
    Hugs, Cindy


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts, I love hearing from you.