Monday, September 27, 2010

Oh How He Loves Us

"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

Today in church we had a guest worship team and a guest pastor join us.  Now the pastor and worship team were not together and the worship team did not know what the pastor was preaching on and the other way around.  Yet, the theme of our worship service and the sermon were the same: God loves us.  It is absolutely incredible to me when God does that!

When I think of how much God loves me I am in awe.  But the only thing is, I do not even know how much He loves me.  God loves us to very much that we can not begin to comprehend it.  The Bible tells us in Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  It does not say that when we asked Christ to be our Savior, or when we confessed our sins, then He loved us.  No, it says while we were still sinners that He loved us so much that He died for us. 

We deeply love our family and yes we would die for them.  But could we die for someone who does not know and love us?  That is what Christ did that for us.  Before we knew Him, before we loved Him, He took a horrible beating, a beating so awful, that His mother could not recognize Him.  Every time we sin it is like nailing Christ back on that cross.  Yet He loves us so much, that He still forgives us.  I know that I surely do not deserve His love.  Yet He loves me anyway.  He loves me despite my many flaws and my attitude problem. He always loves me. 

Oh, it is so amazing!  God loves us!  His love is powerful yet gentle, just yet merciful.  His love is so beautiful.  Dear friends, God loves you more than you can even begin to fathom.  We can rest in His love.  Today, take time out to just praise Him for His sweet, sweet love.


  1. I'm amazed that He would love me, but I know He does. How can we not have joy when we think about His love for us?

  2. It is so hard to imagine that God would love this old wretch, yet He does. It's amazing! And I love when He works with the parts of the service and it all comes together!!!


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