Monday, February 17, 2025


Rejoice always, pray constantly,
give thanks in everything; for this
is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Sometimes it may feel hard to find things to be thankful for. We are thankful for our family, our home, and food. But once we've covered the "basics" what's left? Everything!

We can be thankful for opportunities, grace, heat (or air in the summer), clean water, dirty dishes that mean we have food, laundry to do that means we have clothes to wear, shoes left out because it shows there is life in our home, conversations with loved ones, memories, there is truly so much we can thank God for.

What is something you are thanking God for today?

Weekly Blessings #eucharisteo #thanksgiving #thankfulness #joydare #blessings #gratitude #1000gifts

Continuing to count God's sweet blessings...

3825. A relaxing weekend.

3826. Sunday lunch with all our kids and grandbabies.

3827. A warm home when the temperatures outside are frigid.

3828. A blessing for my son.

3829. A great opportunity for my daughter.

It's your turn! Share something you are praising God for. I would love to rejoice with you.

Monday, February 10, 2025


Don’t worry about anything, but in everything,
through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present
your requests to God. And the peace of God, which
surpasses all understanding, will guard
your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 CSB

I have been sick since before Christmas. But first, let me back up. Every single month in 2024 I had some kind of illness. Some months it was just carry over from the previous month. Some months it was just a lingering cough. But nonetheless, I was sick every month. Before Christmas I came down with another bad cold that caused a horrible cough which lingered on into 2025. While still battling this bad cough, I came down with another virus. After about a week of this virus, I started to feel on the mend, only to get knocked down with another virus (or maybe the same virus coming back for round two). As the virus passed and the lingering cough from December began to loosen it's grip, I came down with a flu A that had me bed ridden. As soon as that finally passed, I got sick with another head cold. I have spent literally every single day in 2025 sick. Two different doctors told me there is nothing I can do but wait for it to pass. Finally, this weekend I had a doctor prescribe me with an antibiotic. I have never been more happy for medication and I am so ready for it to kick in and get rid of all that is making me sick.

While 2025 didn't start out great health wise, and we had some other things going on like my dad having a heart attack and weather that had us snowed in for a few days, there was always something to give thanks for. There was always a reason to praise God. No matter what you are facing, you can find reason to praise God.

What is something you are thanking God for today?

Weekly Blessings #eucharisteo #thanksgiving #thankfulness #joydare #blessings #gratitude #1000gifts

Continuing to count God's sweet blessings...

3820. Relaxing weekend with my husband.

3821. Incredible church service.

3822. The Marco Polo app to talk with my best friend who lives 700 miles away.

3823. Watching the Super Bowl with my husband and some of our kids, even though the game didn't go how we hoped.

3824. Finally getting medication after being sick over a month.

It's your turn! Share something you are praising God for. I would love to rejoice with you.

Monday, February 3, 2025


What is something you are thanking God for today?

Weekly Blessings #eucharisteo #thanksgiving #thankfulness #joydare #blessings #gratitude #1000gifts

Continuing to count God's sweet blessings...

3815. My daughter who celebrated her birthday this past weekend. She is the one who made me a mom and I am so well pleased with her.

3816. Time spent with her and my husband to celebrate her birthday.

3817. My dad being with us after a scary heart attack.

3818. Warmer weather! 

3819. A relaxing Sunday evening.

It's your turn! Share something you are praising God for. I would love to rejoice with you.

Saturday, February 1, 2025


The Bible isn't a weekly church accessory. It's a daily look into the heart of our Creator. And the new Jesus Daily Bible helps us to just that.

The Jesus Daily Bible helps you read through the Bible in a year, keeping Jesus at the center of your every day. The Bible includes a 52-week guided reading plan that you can join at any point in the year. The week begins with a weekly introduction and overview, then there are five days of guided reading, and your week ends with a week summary.

You'll also find helpful articles and infographics and see how every page of God’s Word points to the bigger story of Jesus. There is also a concordance, maps, and margin for notetaking.

I am loving the Jesus Daily Bible and I know you will too. There are three cover options to choose from. You can find out more about the Jesus Daily Bible HERE.


One reader will be 1 copy of CSB Jesus Daily Bible. To enter to win, leave your name and email address in the comments. Winner will be chosen at random and emailed on February 3rd from (Note: This is limited to US winners only due to shipping.)

Many thanks to Lifeway Christian Resources for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient
for you, for my power is perfected in
weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly
boast all the more about my weaknesses,
so that Christ’s power may reside in me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 CSB

The new year dawns with so much promise on the horizon. This is going to be your year. The year you finally make progress. The year you finally reach your goal. The year everything will be different. The year your life will finally change for the better. Anticipation builds. Excitement bubbles up. Then, January becomes the longest month in history with struggles at every turn.

I have spent the entire month of January sick. Not the same sickness mind you. I walked into the new year with a lingering cough from December's sickness. While still battling the cough, a new virus had me down for the count. After about a week of that, I felt good for a couple days only to have the second round of this virus knock me back out. The virus finally passed but that pesky cough from December clung tightly. The very same day the cough finally began to loosen it's grip, the flu attacked and had me bed ridden for nearly a week. I think, I pray, I might finally be on the mend, but 2025 certainly didn't start how I hoped.

To continue reading, please join me at Woman to Woman Ministries. Click HERE.