If asked if you were a busy women, we could all shoot our hands in the air faster than the bat of an eyelid. Our calendars and lack of sleep attest to it. We are running ourselves so ragged these days. When we ask someone how they are doing, the automatic response we get 9 out of 10 times is, "Busy." So busy that we are missing out on the things in life that are truly important. The things that truly bring us joy.
Alli Worthington says in her new book Breaking Busy, "Okay let me get this straight. Women are sacrificing sleep, recreation, hobbies, friends, and even family all at the altar of busyness. So we aren't sleeping, we aren't taking care of our bodies, and we aren't doing things we enjoy with people we love. Then what in the world are we busy doing?"
See the truth in that statement? We are so busy that we are sacrificing everything. So what are we so busy with? Is it really that important to sacrifice our sleep, health, family and even God?
In Breaking Busy, Alli helps you see the reason you are so busy and what you are sacrificing. And even more important, she gives action steps to help you get back on track. If your life feels like it is spinning out of control, if you are too busy for the things and people you love, if you are cutting God out just to make more time, or even if you just feel a little busy, it is time to pick up Breaking Busy and break the busyness in your life.

I received a copy of this book plus a book bundle from Zondervan in exchange for my thoughts and opinions on Breaking Busy.
That definitely sounds like a book I need to read. I am so busy that I'm going from first thing in the morning until late at night.