Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Does reading your Bible ever feel like a chore? Do you struggle to really enjoy reading the Word? Is making time each day for Bible reading seemingly impossible? We've all been there. Struggling to find time to read, then struggling to enjoy and understand what we are reading.

Shanna Noel, creator of Illustrated Faith, understands. Even as a pastor's wife, Shanna struggled with God's Word. Until, that is, she found 10 ways to fall in love with her Bible.

In Shanna's new book available today, 10 Ways to Fall in Love With Your Bible, she says,
The only way you're going to fall in love with your Bible is to make it a top priority. Not your only priority, but a top-tier, get-it-done priority that automatically appears on your to-do list every day.

Shanna gives us 10 ways to really begin to love the Word of God. Ways like getting rid of the excuses, turning the guilt into a gift, writing love letters to God, applying the lessons, a 30 day journaling challenge, and more. Each chapter ends with your personal top 5 and your personal top 10. This is a space for you to dig deep and think about your own personal goals and ideas.

If you have ever struggled with Bible reading or if you are struggling now, this book is for you! Pick up a copy of 10 Ways to Fall in Love With Your Bible today!

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