Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Sometimes when I pray, I notice my mind wandering. I am praying for a situation and it reminds me of something and suddenly I am down a rabbit trail. Pretty soon I catch myself and think Ugh! I was just praying! What happened!? I want my prayers to be focused and intentional. Lindsey Renee understands and has a great tool to help.

In 45 Days of Prayer Lindsey gives intentional prompts to lead us in intentional prayer. Each day has the daily prompt, Scripture, a prayer, and a journal space to journal your own prayer or something on your heart. The prayer prompts will lead you in praying for your year, missions, your leadership, family, friends, community, yourself, and praise and thanksgiving.

Lindsey says, "What if we gathered together to pray for specific topics at the same time? Can you imagine what the outcomes would be?45 Days of Prayer is a great tool to do with someone. Grab your accountability partner, neighbor, or friend and plan 45 days of intentional and focused prayer together. Whether you meet together each day or pray across the miles at the same time, what an impact it will make! The Bible says where two or more are gathered in His name, there He is {Matthew 18}. I believe that gathering can be of the heart when the location can't be the same.

If you are ready to focus your prayers or are looking for a summer prayer group, join me on the #45daysofprayer challenge! Pick up your book by clicking below.

2018 PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner

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