Tuesday, January 15, 2019

5 Steps To A Happier, Balanced, More Content You

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You are important. You’re beautiful. Courage. Smart. Funny. Lovable. You really are. And the second
that you see yourself for who you really are, the world changes. Embracing the right mindset is
crucial. Being grateful and feeling blessed. Getting closer to your faith. Championing what you
believe in. All of it is just so important for you to be able to live a happy and grounded life. But
what happens when you just can’t? When you feel stuck or lost or unfulfilled? Does it make you
a bad person? No - it just means that you need guidance. That you need to connect with yourself
and your faith once again. That you need to trust in Him and in yourself. If you are really in need
of some encouragement right now, these five points will guide you.

1. Detox

To begin with, you need to step back. You see to step away from judging your life or living on
autopilot, and you need to observe it. To assess it. You need to be aware of your pressure points
and embrace the positives. Then detox. Step away from any sources of stress and walk towards
what makes you happy.

2. Accept

To be happier and content in your current situation, you need to accept your reality. As it is. Today.
This will either keep you calm and happy, or it will be the catalyst for change. Because if you are not
happy right now, and you know there is another avenue for you to explore to be happy, acceptance
allows you to make a step forward.

3. Act

But sometimes, you must act. You must work for change. You must do the right things and seek
justice. Whether in the form of taking your life in a new direction, moving, or even aiming to
work towards a settlement with Gray and White Law for a past issue. Take the action now. The
quicker you work towards change, the happier you’ll allow yourself to be.

4. Be Kind

We know we must be kind to others. To our families. Our friends. Our family. We must love thy
neighbor. But what about ourselves? Are we ever as kind to ourselves as we should be? No, we
most certainly are not. We’re harder on ourselves than anyone else. With our thoughts. Our
judgements. Our insecurities. If you want to be happier, balanced, and content, the negativity and
the harmful self-talk has to stop. See yourself in a beautiful life and watch your happiness grow.

5. Serve Others

One of the best ways that we can ever love in ourselves is to serve others. If you feel lost or
unfulfilled, maybe your mind has been focused on all of the wrong things. Instead of assessing
where you went wrong - leave the past and move forward. Make a step today to serve others.
Give back. Help someone in need. Work for a good cause. When you can serve the Lord and do
His work, balance, happiness, and contentment are sure to follow.

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