Sunday, May 16, 2021


Jericho March ~Day 1

Jericho March ~Day 2

Jericho March ~Day 3

Jericho March ~Day 4

Jericho March ~Day 5

Jericho March ~Day 6

If you are just joining us, we are doing a week long Jericho March around our homes covering our homes in prayer and believing God for miracles. You can click the links above for days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Today we are going to cover our family in prayer! As the Israelites did around the walls of Jericho, walk the perimeter of your home seven times, praying as you walk at the end of the seventh time, shout! Pray the prayer below but also pray specifically to your family and your needs. Add to the prayer as you feel led.

What if my walls didn’t fall? First, were you faithful in praying? Did you pray every day? Second, were you praying in faith? Did you believe that God can move in your situation? Third, did you pray the Word? Did you pray according to God’s Word or your own agenda? And fourth, don’t give up! Keep praying, keep believing! 

Day 7 ~ Let the walls fall down!

Father, I come to You again today to lift my family to You again. Lord, I am asking You to move mightily in my home. I ask You to touch my family. Draw them to You. Let them see You and feel You more powerful than ever before. Let my family come into a personal relationship with You. Let them know You and live for You.

I pray that my family would be blessed in their walk with You, their health, their relationships, their education/career, their finances, and their ministries. Help us remember to praise You in our blessings.

I pray that Bible reading and prayer become an intentional priority for my family. That we would be drawn to Your Word every day. That we would desire to talk to You throughout our day. Help the Bible to become not just a book on a shelf, but a part of who we are.

I pray that while we live in this world we are not of this world. Help us to live heaven minded. Help us to walk in the freedom and love of You.

I pray chains broken in Jesus name! Chains of addiction, chains of depression, chains of fear, chains of anger, chains of discontentment, chains of bitterness chains of hatred, chains of anxiety, all chains broken in Jesus name!

I ask You Father to help my family connect closer to one another as we grow closer to You. Help us to be there for one another, support one another, and pray for one another.

Help us to share the Good News of You with our world. Help us desire to see the lost saved and be part of reaching out to bring You to our world. Help our light to shine so that all will see You in us.

Lord I believe for miracles, broken chains, healing, and restoration in Jesus name. I believe for Your touch on my household in Jesus name. I believe my family for You in Jesus name!

I pray all of this in Jesus name, AMEN AMEN AMEN.

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