Monday, November 8, 2021

5 Advantages Of A Minimalist Lifestyle In 2021

Contributed post

As Myquillyn Smith explains in Cozy Minimalist Home, homeowners should think of themselves as a curator, a person who protects what comes in and goes out of the home. This simple change of mindset can prevent excessive purchases and accumulation. More is not always synonymous with better. On the contrary, more puts you in charge of managing more items, such as an endless list of pillows piling up on the sofa and in every corner of the room. Curating your home can help you create a manageable, inviting, and beautiful interior. A lovely lived-in home for everyday life. But there's more to minimalism and how it can improve your house life.

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It saves money

There is no denying that the moment you start becoming mindful about your household purchases, you will be saving money. It might not be a ton, but over time, it can make a significant difference. Think about it. Most homeowners are easily influenced by trends, which means every year you could find yourself buying:

  • New pillows

  • New seasonal decorations (another one-use-only autumnal wreath that will be forever forgotten)

  • New color-palette ornaments and celebration (this year will be a pink Christmas, next year it's going to be golden, and the year after that it's going to be purple, so everything inside your home should have the right color, including napkins, table cloths, throws, Christmas jumpers, etc.)

  • etc. 

When you choose to buy less, you naturally need less and can save more. 

It reduces environmental impact

You might not realize it, but every item you buy adds to your carbon footprint. The process of producing your belongings affects the environment. Therefore, owning less reduces your carbon footprint. Simple choices such as realizing you don't need a vehicle can turn your household green. Besides, it's easy to get your car appraised and sold with vehicle services such as Edmunds. At the age of public transportation, remote work, and carbon-neutral commuting by foot or bicycle, owning a vehicle in an urban environment can become unnecessary. 

It reduces stress levels

Clutter is the result of our enthusiastic purchases. The more stuff you've got, the more it accumulates inside your home. According to the National Association for Professional Organizers, one-third of households are overwhelmed by their clutter. Indeed, clutter can be an everyday source of stress, draining your positive energy and causing frustration. A minimalist interior can successfully address the clutter problem. 

It brings you closer to your loved ones

Materialism and maximalism can be distracting at home. Wanting more and having more can dramatically disrupt your interactions with people. Ultimately, the stuff we own requires maintenance, care, and attention. You might find yourself dusting, cleaning, or polishing your items when you'd rather spend some quality time with the kids. 

You value everything you own

You want to surround yourself with the things you love. Yet, it's hard to cherish every item when you have piles of unused things accumulating dust in the garage, the cupboard, or in any other storage area. Instead, in a minimalist household, your items come to use almost every day, whether it's your favorite coffee mug or your reading chair. Owning less means your belongings can play a valuable role in your life. 

Is it time to build a minimalist interior? For many households, the pandemic has encouraged maximalism as a solution against the boredom of self-isolation. But it's time to take back control and build the cozy minimalist home you love. 

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