Wednesday, March 16, 2022


So Jesus called them together and said,
know that the rulers in this world lord
it over 
their people, and officials flaunt their
over those under them. But among
you it will 
be different. Whoever wants to be
a leader among 
you must be your servant,
and whoever wants to be 
first among you
must be the slave of everyone else.
Mark 10:42-44

The world we live in tells us to put ourselves first. That we are important and should be treated as such. We are taught how to gain attention, gain followers, do things that matter, "glow up", and more. Every day we are faced with someone telling us to put ourselves first.

Now please hear me. You do matter. You are important. You must take care of yourself. Those are all truths. But here is another truth, a Biblical truth: we must be servants.

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