Wednesday, August 24, 2022


 Being ready, being prepared, it's what we do. As women we know the importance of always being ready for anything. Baby's diaper leaked through, we are ready with a new outfit. Kid forgets to tell us it's our turn to bring the snack for the ball team, we got it. Teenager has a guest over for dinner, no problem, we are ready. No matter what happens, we are prepared.

We know the value of being ready for whatever is to come. Yet, we show up to church unprepared. We even show up to our own quiet time unprepared.

Prepare Yourself #w2wministries #Bible #quiettime #church

Years ago my husband and I visited my daughter's church at that time. When the worship team stepped onto the stage, they were already hyped up (for lack of a better word). They walked out with hands raised, they were worshiping before the first chord was played. When I later talked to my daughter about it, she said, "Mom, it's because they come to church prepared. Then, together before walking on the platform, they prepare their hearts before God." They come prepared.

To read more, join me at Woman to Woman Ministries. Click HERE.

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