Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 When people would find out that I am a homemaker and my kids homeschool, they automatically picture us sleeping late, then lounging in our jammies all day long. They were always shocked, and some even disappointed, to find out that it is the farthest from the truth.

I would be lying if I said I never wanted to sleep late then lounge in jammies in front of movies all day long. But I just can't. That is not realistic. Because of this, it is vital for me to have a schedule. As a homemaker, as a mother, it was important that I teach my kids to be their best, do their best, and how to be productive. My schedule is vastly different now than it was when the kids were younger, but it is still important for me to have a detailed schedule.

Homemaking God's Way: Your Kids #homemaking #homemaker #keeperofthehome #parenting #motherhood #kids

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