Wednesday, June 28, 2023


 Oil and incense bring joy to the heart, and
the sweetness of a friend is better than self-counsel.
Psalm 27:9 CSB

I am a homebody. I love being at home with my people. A day I don't have to leave the house all day, is a really good day. Partially because of my intense love for being at home and partially because I am an introvert to the max, it has made friendships a bit of a challenge.

For years I didn't even have what I would call a true friend. And to be honest, I was perfectly okay with that. All I needed was my family. However, over the years I have learned the true value of friendship.

The Value of Friendship

About thirteen years ago, God placed a woman in my life. We became friends quickly. We bonded over our love for Jesus and our families. We found similarities that connected us and we found differences that helped us to grow. Having another woman, like-minded and Godly, to go to for a shoulder to cry on, wise counsel, prayer, and to just chat, has been so life giving. Since meeting my best friend thirteen years ago, I've made other dear and life-long friends along the way. Women to come along side of and do life with.

To continue reading, please join me at Woman to Woman Ministries. Click HERE.

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