Monday, October 2, 2023


Julie Chen Moonves from The Talk and Big Brother, spent the first 48 years of her life ignoring God. Her booming career and family kept her so busy she never even gave God a thought. Then, crisis hit. After not only her career but also her husband's career came to a screeching halt, Julie felt lost and hurt. 

But First God

In her new audio memoir, But First, God, Julie takes us through everything that happened in her life and career that led her straight to God.

I was listening to But First, God as I went through cleaning my house and I kept stopping because Julie pulls you in. You literally feel as though you are sitting down with a friend hearing her pour out her heart. You feel her emotion. You feel her pain, Then, you feel the hope she found, You feel the joy that radiates through her.

But First, God is a powerful story. I loved every minute of this audio book and I know you will to.

To purchase But First God: An Audio Memoir of Spiritual Discovery, click HERE. To enter to win a copy, click HERE.

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