Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Have you ever gone to bed at night and as you lie there thinking over your day, you realize you haven't prayed, read the Word, or even thought about God since your morning quiet time? Maybe you didn't even have your quiet time that day?

We all live busy lives and often we are up and going full speed ahead from sun up until far too late in the night. We run the race of life checking off the endless to-do list, taking care of our family and home, and working. When we do have a few moments to catch our breath, we check in with social media to see what is going on in the lives of our friends and loved ones.

Meditate on the Lord and His Word

Is there a way to go about life and all its busyness, yet still keep our thoughts on the Lord? Could we possibly meditate on His Word and complete all we need to do for the day?


To read more, please join me at Woman to Woman Ministries! Click HERE.

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