Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Instead, his delight is in the Lord's instruction,
he meditates on it day and night.
Psalm 1:2 CSB

We've all seen it. You're scrolling through Instagram and you come across the perfect quiet time picture. Someone who has a candle glowing, a mug of coffee steaming, the perfect Bible highlights, detailed journal notes, all on a clean table with the morning sun shining through the window. It's lovely.

Then we think back to our last quiet time and suddenly, envy kicks in. Our quiet time didn't have a candle. Our mug of coffee had gone cold. Our highlighted lines weren't straight. Between the coffee drip and messy handwriting, our journal was a mess. The table was dirty. The kids were screaming. It wasn't very lovely.

This morning, honestly most mornings, my quiet time was full of dogs barking and wrestling. And before you think that's cute, three giant dogs with deep barks and one senior dog that can't hear or see but tries to stay in the game is not very cute. I also never light a candle and never have coffee. And many mornings I finish up with grandbabies by my side.

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