Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spiritual Summer

The other day I posted the following video on our Facebook page.  It is something that God has really been speaking to me.  Summer time can be extremely rushed and busy as we have kids in sports, vacations, trips to the zoo and pool and all of those fun things we do in the summer.  Summer can also be a time to be lazy.  We want to sleep in or lounge around the pool all day.  For me it is a little of both.  Our nights are full of baseball, our weekends are full of trips to the zoo or park with dad, but our days at home are very lazy. 

Do we get that way in our relationship with God? 

We don't have to wake up and rush out the door for school so we sleep in.  If I sleep in it makes everything off schedule the rest of the day, including my time with God.  God isn't taking a summer vacation from me, so how could I possibly take a summer vacation from Him?

This summer I want us to challenge and encourage each other.  Let's not put God on the back burner to our lazy or busy summer.  Instead let's have a summer revival.  Let's really press in to God this summer.  Read more in the Word.  Start a Bible study, whether it is a personal study or a study with friend or neighbor.  Spend more time worshipping.  Start a prayer journal.  What can you do to make this summer a spiritual summer?

Sweet Blessings~

  P.S. Sorry the words and mouth are off....I am working on figuring that out!!


  1. Love this...we are continuing our bible study into the summer! I'm excited about this. Also, I hope to start a simple bible study with my boys!

  2. I love the idea of a summer revival instead of a summer break. I pray that by the time we start school again in the fall, I'm even closer to God than I am now.

  3. I am totally up for that challenge! Thanks for the encouragement!

    P.s. I am hosting a CAMERA giveaway on my blog! Check it out:

  4. I saw the video on your Facebook Wall yesterday Jenifer, and it was a fantastic point. It gets easy to "shift" our time with God aside when we have a break, but as you said He doesn't take a break from us!

    Thanks for the reminder!

    Have a Blessed Day!

  5. Praise the Lord He doesn't take a vacation from us. What would we do without Him? We owe the same respect and honor to Him. What a wonderful idea! Thanks for the points and many blessings to you, love you.

    Oh, sorry I missed this yesterday, we had several appointments so we were running.


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