Wednesday, January 24, 2024


So, whether you eat or drink,
or whatever you do, do
everything for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31 CSB

I've been in the blogging world for fourteen years now and with blogging comes being an influencer. I remember the very first time an author reached out to me, just under a year into my blogging journey, and asked me to read her book and share it if I liked it. Ever since then, I have been sharing books I have read and learned from, and occasionally products I personally use and love.

I never set out to be an influencer. It wasn't what I wanted to do. I simply wanted to share what I was learning in my faith journey with anyone who happened to stumble across my corner of the internet. Yet, being a blogger and influencer go hand in hand.

But I am going to tell you a little secret. I hate the word influencer.

To continue reading, please join me at Woman to Woman Ministries. Click HERE.

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