Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Over Worked and Under Appreciated

As I sit here to write this, my body is wore out and my mind is fried.  It is the first time I have sat down all day.  I was up at 4am getting my husband out the door for work, getting myself ready, doing my daily devotions, then the kids were up and I have been cooking (three meals and a nice dessert mind you), teaching, cleaning and play referee since.  My daughter complained about my dinner (she is picky and complains about anything that is not pasta).  My son spilled tea on the counter top I had just washed.  The piles of laundry I lovingly folded were tossed into the drawers and now will need ironed.  The blankets I just folded and put away are already all over the living room (it is August people!).  And let me tell you this is a typical day.  But today I feel drained.  I feel tired.  I feel over worked.  And I feel very much under appreciated.  After cleaning up the dinner mess, I was very tempted to go into my bedroom, lock the door and have myself a good ole pity party until I fell asleep.  That is when I got a "God spanking."

A God spanking.  You know those times when you feel like a five year old looking up at your daddy when you did something wrong?  God was saying, "Are you doing this for them or for Me?"  The Bible says in I Corinthians 10:31, "So whether your eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of the Lord."  If we are doing things for the glory and praise of others, we will be left feeling drained and under appreciated every single time.  God wants us to do everything for Him.  You see, when our families might not see or even care what we do, God sees.  God sees the effort we put into things.  God sees when we do something with a caring heart.  When no one else cares, God cares.  

So why did I feel so under appreciate today?   Because I was being selfish and wanted my family to notice all I did and say thank you.  I did get some thank yous for the chocolate cake of course and even one or two for dinner.  But it wasn't enough, I wanted more.  I should have been doing these things as I was doing them for God and it wouldn't have mattered what anyone else said or did.  Now don't get me wrong, it is not wrong to want a thank you once in a while.  And we, of course, should always appreciate and thank others.  But if we are only doing things for other's approval, we will never be fully satisfied.   

Everything you do, do it for God.  Do it with a joyful heart.  As much as we love our family's approval and appreciation, we should desire God's more.         



  1. I just got a 'God spanking' reading this. I am having my own little pity know why...and God spoke to me through this. Thank you!

  2. This was perfect this morning. I am heading off to work today for another school year. Overworked and under appreciated pretty much describes how I have been feeling about my job for quite awhile now. This is a really great way to start off the new school year...doing my job not for the paycheck or even for the students in my class, but doing it for God and His glory. I pray God holds that thought in my mind constantly throughout the upcoming school year.

    Andrea A.


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