Monday, March 25, 2024


The next day, when the large crowd that|
had come to the festival heard that Jesus
was coming to Jerusalem, they took palm
branches and went out to meet him. They kept
“Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes
in the name of the Lord —the King of Israel!”
John 12:12-13

We are in Holy Week, the week leading up to the time of Jesus' crucifixion, death, and resurrection. This week is holy and somber. A time that we focus on what Jesus did out of His deep love for us. What He did to save us. To give us a hope and a future with Him. I am so thankful for what Jesus did for me. Even before I was created, He knew me and died for me.

What is something you are thanking God for today?

Weekly Blessings {2/26/24}  #eucharisteo #thanksgiving #thankfulness #joydare #gratitude #blessings #

Continuing to count God's sweet blessings...

3650. Time with my husband.

3651. Car prayer time. There is something precious about turning off the radio of the car and just talking to God.

3652. God laying a song on my heart during the week and our worship team at church singing that song on Sunday. I love when God does that.

3653. Sunday lunch date with my husband.

3654. A gift from my daughter.

It's your turn! Share something you are praising God for. I would love to rejoice with you.

1 comment:

  1. Sitting next to my beautiful grand baby girls ( 2 and 3 1/2 ). Smelling a wonderful dinner that is being made. Blessed


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