As I prayed about my word, many words came to mind:
Focus - I need to focus more on homeschooling than my laptop. I need to focus more on my husband than my cell phone. I need to focus more on God than my problems. I need to focus.
Unplug - I need to learn to unplug from my laptop and cell for a little bit each day. I need to teach my daughter to unplug from her cell phone for a while. I need to teach my kids to unplug from the tv/video games. I need to unplug.
Growth - I need to grow in my walk with God. I need to grow in my marriage. I need to grow in my relationship with my kids. I need to grow in better health. I need growth.
Even with all of these great words, God always brought me back to one. Then yesterday I read my sweet sister's blog and there was the word God had given me that I had been ignoring. That was confirmation for me. God said, "This is the word I have been giving you from the beginning, stop fighting Me on it."
No more fighting. I am going to be intentional.
There are several reasons for this word. To start with, the previous two years I focused on my word for only the first couple of months, then honestly, forgot all about it. I can't even tell you what my word for 2010 even was! I need to be intentional with my word. After all, this is what God wants me to focus on.
I need to be intentional with homeschooling my children. There are days when we just try to get done. There is no fun object lessons or experiments or anything except rushing to just get done. I need to be intentional in this area.
I need to be intentional in my marriage. I need to plan more date nights, tell my husband how deeply I love him. I need to snuggle up close to him and when he has a hard day, hold him instead of asking more of him. I need to be intentional in my marriage.
I need to be in intentional in my relationship with my kids. I always have great ideas of one on one time with each of them or conversations to have, but well, sometimes I get lazy or moody or whatever. I try to keep calm and talk nicely to them, but sometimes I get mad. I need to be intentional in my relationship with my kids.
I want to be in intentional in my marriage, family, relationships, ministries, time with God, homemaking, health, in life.
This year I will intentionally not forget my word. I have it posted in a couple of places in my home, in my prayer journal, and on my computer. I am ready to live life on purpose!
Do you choose one word to focus on for the year? If so, what is your word?
Sweet Blessings~

Linking with:
Great word, Jenifer! Change, growth happens when we are intentional. We usually don't stumble upon it! I picked a word this year too. "Forward"
ReplyDeleteLove your word Jenifer, what a great thing to focus on this year, growing intentionally. I never never picked a word for the year but this year I am doing it, actually I ended up with two, they just seemed to go together.
soar deeper.
blessings to you Jenifer.
I have never heard of choosing a word. However, my husband and I do like to come up with "purpose statements" for the year. Two years ago we chose..."Living Intentionally" I even got crafty and made a sign for our wall. :)It seems every year since then, we come back to that same thought.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great word, Jenifer! My one word is focus - for the same reason as your word. I need to really focus on what I am doing instead of rushing from one thing to the next.
ReplyDeleteGreat word Jenifer, and also a marvelous list of things we should all be more intentional about. I'm still thinking and praying about my word for this year, and I can't wait to see what God places on my heart.
ReplyDeleteHave a Blessed Day!
As I said on facebook my word is "Delight" and I blogged about it (to post tomorrow) thanks to your reminder!
ReplyDeleteHi Jenifer - great word. Its pretty multi-faceted. Great encouragement
ReplyDeleteGod bless
That is a fabulous word, Jenifer.
ReplyDeleteMy word is JOY. I will live JOYfully, no matter what comes my way. I will allow joy to seep in when I have the blahs. I just read yesterday about having a word and that word immediately jumped into my mind, so that's it! :) Nothing high-falutin, just plain joyful!
Joyful hugs, Cindy