Friday, January 27, 2012

Tender Through the Years

Today I am excited to be part of the Freedom Rocks Blog Tour.  Please join me as I talk about how to be Free From Me!

When I think of tenderness, I automatically thing of my children.  When they are babies, we hold them tenderly, kiss their sweet cheeks and pass them to another with gentleness.

Now they are older.

Yesterday I left my older children home for a short time as I ran an errand.  They wanted to stay home so they each had a job to do before I got back.  I came home and not only did they not do their assigned job, but they had made a mess and did not clean it.

I was furious.  Gone was the tenderness of years past.

Don't my children in this older stage of life still deserve tender kisses on their cheek?  Don't they deserve gentle hugs each and every day?  It so easy to be tender with the babies but they grow older and we lose that.

Today, my friends, no matter the age of your children, 2 or 25, give them a tender hug and express your love to them.

The winner of the $30 gift certificate to Cap Creations is Jennifer.  Congrats!  Please email me at  I do, however, encourage you all to check out Cap Creation, they are a wonderful company with beautiful products.

Sweet Blessings~

Linking with:
Five Minute Friday
Brag On God Friday


  1. beautiful... Good, good advice!

  2. How true! I can tell you it gets easier as they get older again! There's never too much frustration or anger or exhaustion for a sweet tender hug at the end of a very long day, they always make the rest of the day fade right away!

  3. Great reminder, Jenifer. My little guy is precious no matter what age. But, he's getting to the point where he resists my smooches!

  4. Oh..this is convicting. I still need to be showering kisses on and being tender to my kids even though they are older.


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